Belgian Congo banknotes 1000 Francs Banknote, King Baudouin I.

Belgian Congo Banknotes notes 1000 Francs King Baudouin I
Belgian Congo 1000 Francs Banknote, King Baudouin I
World paper money Belgian Congo 1000 Francs bill
Central Bank of Belgian Congo
Belgian Congo 1000 Francs Banknote, issued by the Central Bank of Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi - Banque Centrale du Congo-Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi - Centrale bank van Belgisch-Congo en Ruanda-Urundi.
Belgian Congo banknotes, Belgian Congo paper money, Belgian Congo bank notes.

Obverse: Portrait of King Baudouin I in military uniform, King of the Belgians and the last Sovereign King of the Belgian Congo. Aerial view of Leopoldville at lover center. In 1966, LĂ©opoldville was renamed Kinshasa for a village named Kinchassa that once stood near the site.
Reverse: View of an African village with small huts.
Watermark: Waterbuck's head.