Australian ten-shilling note of 1954.

Australian banknotes currency ten shilling
Australian ten-shilling note
Australian ten shilling note
10 shilling note
Australian ten-shilling note of 1954, issued by the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Obverse: Portrait of Captain Matthew Flinders (16 March 1774 – 19 July 1814) was a distinguished navigator and cartographer, who was the first to circumnavigate Australia and identify it as a continent. Flinders was the first to use the name, 'Australia', systematically in his writings.

On his first voyage to New South Wales, he made friends with the ship's surgeon George Bass, and the two of them presently sailed through what became the Bass Strait, confirming that Tasmania was an island. In 1801 he was commissioned to chart the whole coastline of New Holland, and he specially noted the fertile land around Port Phillip, today's Melbourne.
Heading back to England in 1803, his vessel needed urgent repairs at Mauritius. Although Britain and France were at war, Flinders thought the scientific nature of his work would ensure safe passage, but a suspicious governor kept him under arrest for more than six years. In captivity, he recorded details of his voyages for future publication, and put forward his rationale for naming the new continent 'Australia', as an umbrella-term for New Holland and New South Wales – a suggestion taken up later by Governor Macquarie.
His health had suffered, however, and although he reached home, he did not live to see the publication of his widely-praised book and atlas, A Voyage to Terra Australis.

Reverse: Old Parliament House was home to Australia's Federal Parliament from 1927 to 1988 and is now a nationally listed heritage building in Parkes, Canberra. After World War I the Federal Capital Advisory Committee was established to prepare Canberra to be the seat of government, including the construction of a Parliament House. The committee decided that it would be best to erect a "provisional" building, to serve for a predicted 50 years until a new, "permanent" House could be built. In the event, Old Parliament House was Parliament's home for 61 years.

Watermark: Portrait of Captain James Cook.
Signatories: H. C. Coombs - Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia
                  Roland Wilson - Secretary to the Treasury