Norway currency 100 Kroner banknote of 2003, Kirsten Flagstad

Norway currency 100 Kroner banknote
100 Norwegian Krone
Norway money currency 100 Kroner banknote
Currency of Norway 100 kroner
Norway currency 100 Kroner banknote of 2003, Kirsten Flagstad.
Norwegian money currency, Norway banknotes, Norway paper money , Norway bank notes, Norwegian banknotes, Norwegian paper money, Norwegian bank notes.

Put into circulation 15 September 1997, but produced with annual figures from 1995. Upgraded in 2003 with a hologram foil stripe.

Obverse: Portrait of the opera singer Kirsten Flagstad. The background is an illustration of the main auditorium of the Norwegian Opera, as viewed from the stage.

The rosette encircling a hexagon encompasses a number of security features.
One of Kirsten Flagstad's embroideries, which are on display at the Kirsten Flagstad commemorative collection at Strandstuen in Hamar, has been used for the vignette in the area containing the watermarks.
Designed by graphic designer Sverre Morken

Reverse: Ground plan of the main hall of Folketeatret (People's Theatre), formerly the venue of the Norwegian National Opera.

The vignette in the area containing the watermarks is a brooch worn by Kirsten Flagstad in a Wagner opera.
Designed by graphic designer Arild Yttri.

The architects Morgenstierne and Eide were engaged in 1929 to draw the Folketeater building in Oslo. The building was completed in 1935 and served as a cinema and theatre until the Norwegian Opera took over the premises in 1959.