Spain currency 50 Pesetas banknote, Santiago Ramón y Cajal.

Spain money 50 Pesetas Spanish Currency
50 Spanish pesetas note
Spain money 50 Pesetas banknote Spanish Currency
50 Spanish pesetas
Spain 50 Pesetas Bank Note - Spanish Currency
Spanish Currency, Spanish peseta, Spanish banknotes, Spanish paper money, Spanish bank notes, Spain banknotes, Spain paper money, Spain bank notes, Billetes de España, Pesetas Billetes Españoles.

Obverse: Portrait of physician and researcher Santiago Ramon y Cajal, on the top is a border with the shield Republican Spain with a mural crown and two female allegorical figures on both sides of the note.
Reverse: Monumento a Don Santiago Ramón y Cajal, made by sculptor Victorio Macho, which is located in the Parque del Buen Retiro, Madrid.
Watermark bears the profile of the doctor.