Spain banknotes 1000 Pesetas banknote, José Echegaray & Bank of Spain.

Bank of Spain money currency 1000 Pesetas
1000 Spanish pesetas
1000 Pesetas banknote Bank of Spain
Bank of Spain 1000 Pesetas
Spain currency 1000 Pesetas - Banco de España.
Spanish banknotes, Spanish bank notes, Spanish paper money, Spain banknotes, Spain bank notes, Spain paper money.

Obverse: Portrait of Jose Echegary.
Reverse: Bank of Spain in Madrid.
Printed by Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, Madrid.

The headquarters of the national Bank of Spain is housed in a colossal building occupying a whole block. It is in one of the most central positions in Madrid, at Plaza Cibeles, in full view of the Cibeles Fountain, and on the corner of the Paseo del Prado.
Work was begun on the building in 1884, when King Alfonso XII symbolically laid the first stone, and the work was designed by the Bank's own architects Severiano Sainz de la Lastra and Eduardo de Adaro. The site had previously been occupied by the Marquis of Alcañices' palace, which had been demolished, and the Bank's new building was inaugurated in 1891.
The staircase in this part of the building, which leads from the Paseo del Prado entrance, is made of Carrara marble, and was made by Adolfo Areizaga of Bilbao to a design by the Bank's architects.